How to Kill Weeds Naturally

Spring is in full swing, and while we hope to see our perennials sprouting back to life, there are some plants we can count on seeing no matter what… weeds! From our gravel driveways to between pavers, to our flower beds and lawns, weeds are the original Comeback Kid and just refuse to stay away. Learn how to kill weeds naturally for good. 

To keep weeds at bay, chemical sprays are an easy fix, but their convenience doesn’t outweigh their risks and efficiency. Synthetic herbicides are toxic to our children, pets, pollinators, soil, and groundwater. Plus, there’s no guarantee they’ll kill your weeds. In fact, most weeds of a particular size can survive herbicide sprays, and if the plant has already self-seeded, you can bet those weeds will be back before the season is over. 

The good news is there are many natural and safe ways to control weeds! So what back-saving, eco-friendly options are out there? Lucky for you, we’ve rounded-up our 5 favorite ways to naturally kill weeds. 

Kill Weeds Naturally with these examples of Eco-Friendly Weed Control: 

  • Boiling Water: This method is great for any large areas, sidewalk cracks, in between pavers, or any gravel spaces where you want to eliminate any and all plants. Simply bring a pot of water to a boil and pour it over the area you wish to weed. We recommend pulling the weeds once they are dead and dried. 
  • Elbow Grease: It’s hard to beat the ol’ standby method of pulling weeds by hand. It’s recommended to do this after a good rainfall so the soil is loose. While pulling weeds be sure to pull the whole plant out, roots and all. Trowels are very helpful when pulling weeds!
  • Competition: Our favorite way to get rid of pesky weeds is by planting other plants! Ground covers are an excellent way to outcompete weeds as they will soak up all the sunshine, water, and nutrients. Survival of the fittest and prettiest.
  • Mulch: Mulch is a great option for so many reasons. It helps keep soil cool and moist, and helps eliminate the light that weeds need to grow. Plus, it looks great and aesthetically elevates any garden bed to the next level.
  • Landscape Fabric: Laying a layer of landscape fabric around your plants and then covering the fabric with mulch or pine straw is an easy and effective way to keep weeds at bay. Get creative and try using an old shower curtain!

BONUS! Here’s a recipe for a DIY herbicide that’s tough on plants, but safe for pets, pollinators, and people. 

Natural Weed Killer Recipe:

To minimize any potential damage, spray only on the leaves and flowers of weeds, and do not allow the mixture to soak the soil around your garden. 

  • 1 gallon white vinegar
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap

Combine the ingredients and add to a spray bottle. For best results, spray weeds during the sunniest time of the day.

Now go show those weeds who’s boss!

How to Kill Weeds Naturally | Barefoot Garden Design